David and Christoffer was gone today, but Mia, Pinar, Josefin and me tried to figure out what we should do as our project. We started (once again) brainstorming on different ideas. Pinar (once again) was keen on making some sort of furniture with light that changes depending on different factors. I really like her ideas, but Mia and Josefin didn't seem that keen on making a project that you can't take with you. And second of all it could be pretty expensive buying a bed or similar. Mia and Josefin wanted to make a robot, witch also could be fun, but in my opinion it should have some form of different/unusual/abnormal function than just a "normal" robot. I suggested that we made a robot that instead of helping you would do the opposite. In that way there could be some kind of political statement (though I don't exactly what statement :-) )We tried brainstorming around various topics like to whom, Where and what purpose. But none of that seemed to get us anywhere.
We started talking about our first idea of the Beatbox, a punch bag with different hit zones you should hit in different combinations.
It seemed like that there was general unity about this idea. So our project idea is Beatbox v.1 (or v.0?)
Beatbox (once again)So, as briefly mentioned during prototyping, the concept of Beatbox (The original idea) is a bunchbag with different hit-zones in different colors. Instead of just hitting the punch bag randomly a voice guide will tell the player/user in what order to hit the different zones. The user will via audio feedback get information about correct hits and maybe also some kind of encouraging/scolding depending how good the task was handled.

Afterwards we started thinking on what technology we was going to use. The first idea for the "hit-zones" was to use a force censor with some sort of plate on top of that (to widen the hit area) and the some foam between this plate and the outside of the punchbag. We also discussed whether or not it should be a game for older kids or an actual exercise game/training device. Either way it could be cool if it could learn a combination that afterwards should be repeated. This could be used in a teacher/student situation or a in a two player situation.
Well, we gonna discuss all the details with the rest of the group Monday.
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