I arrived later because I had another course so the group was well under way with developing the the Beatbox idea. We agreed on making the hit zone censors on our own. Instead of force censor we were going to make huge button with tinfoil and foam rubber. We thought this would work better instead of force censor that had to be calibrated every time a new user should use it. Also we didn't think it mattered how hard you hit the punch bag compared to where and how fast you hit it. We have got the idea of making the buttons this way from a lecture and also from some guys at Tekniska Musset who had made seats on a stool to a big button. So these "hit-buttons" will be connected to an Arduino, this will be connected to a computer which will then generate the sound. Preferably the computer will be connected to a loudspeaker that will be placed inside the punch bag.

While writing different ideas and solutions to these we also made a shopping list of things we needed and the group split up so David stayed at the school trying to prototype a "tinfoil foam rubber-button". Christoffer, Josefin and me went out to bye colored leather (for the hit zones), punch bag, gloves and foam rubber. It's great that we've got 700 SEK for the project it actully means that we can make a pretty cool project! We were back at school at 15 O'clock and the group split (because of lectures) but at 17 O'clock we all got back together to continue working.

Christoffer and I made different types of patterns in the foam rubber to see what would work best as a button. Ultimately it was prototype Beta that was the most effective and the final button design is now complete.
We agreed on metting tommorow (Tuesday after 15 O'clock) to continue with developing buttons and how to connect them the Ardiono. My main concern is making something that won't break after hundreds of punches from different users.
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