tirsdag den 1. april 2008
torsdag den 6. marts 2008
mandag den 3. marts 2008
Eigth day of Project work (final day before presentation)

Deadline is now coming closer an today we had the "dress rehearsal" of the presentation. The Day started out with continued testing of the BeatBox. We had to put back some of the foam rubber in the buttons, because some om the buttons now were to sensitive, but all in all it worked like it should. We continued to fine tune the code/game on the computer and making sure everything worked as it should. The also looked at the keynote the girls had made and agreed on who should say what. But basically we were done with the whole thing and it worked like we had planned from the beginning.
I will end this post with two links, presentation and source code.
In our presentation the processes, reflektions and technical solutions is summed up and the source code is free to use if someone want to see the code or want to make a similar project.
Source code
Seventh day of Project work: SunSpot --> Phidget
Sixth day of Project work
torsdag den 28. februar 2008
Fifth day of Project work
mandag den 25. februar 2008
Fourth day of Project work
fredag den 22. februar 2008
torsdag den 21. februar 2008
Third day of Project work
Today we also had a group meting to discuss how the actual "game" should be. We agreed it could be nice that you could use the hit-buttons to select for instance difficulty or another option. We also discussed whether or not the player should have a given amount of seconds to do the whole combination or the time should be measured between every hit. We choosed that the player would have a certain amount of time to do the whole combination. The degree of difficulty should depend on how long the player would have for each combination.
We then started mounting the buttons inside the punch bag to test how this worked. It seemed to work fine, but because we hadn't filled the punch bag totally with the stuffing. This resulted in the buttons was shoved around inside the bag. But we determined that with all the stuffing the buttons would work.
Josefin and Pinar emptied the punch bag so the leather patches could be sewed on. Meanwhile Christoffer and I started recording the sound in the KTH insulated sound studio (A broom cupboard with a laptop). Mia and David programmed and assembled the wires.
I had to go at 17 o'clock, so I don't know how far the others came with the project, hopefully I'm up for a big surprise Monday
Things we still (as i know of) need to do is:
- Programming the arduino and the software for handling the Arduino output.
- assemble the wires on a smaller breadboard.
tirsdag den 19. februar 2008
HOWTO: Make a cheap button

To connect the wires to the tin foil we first winded steelwire with the wire and then taped the steelwire with gaffa tape on to the tinfoil. This had the positive sideeffect of giving the tinfoil strength while it maintained its flexibillity. To connect to a Phidget just put one wire in Ground and the other in digital in. When the two layers of foil connect you will get an 1 from the Phidget. If you user SunSpot or Arduino there should be a resister in between to avoid shortcut. Try experimenting with different patterns in the middle piece of foam rubber (skumgummi) and see whats works best for your kind of button. Also, you don't have to have the extra layer of foam rubber on the two sides of foil, we just had that to make the buttons more robust in our punchbag.
It's also possible to glue the tinfoil on the material you would use for your button, but the tinfoil will more easy get shredded when bended. So this is only a good solution if your making buttons on hard material.
The Foam rubber can be bought in most handcraft stores like Panduro Hobby and cost about 45 SEK for 50x50 cm.
Second day of project work: Button-workshop

To connect the wires to the tin foil we first winded steelwire with the wire and then taped the steelwire with gaffa tape on to the tinfoil. This had the positive sideeffect of giving the tinfoil strength while it maintained its flexibillity. We tried connecting two buttons to the Arduino via a breadboard and testing how this worked. Because we ran out of materials (and time) we ended the day after making a task list and a plan for tomorrow
mandag den 18. februar 2008
First (actual) day of project work

We agreed on metting tommorow (Tuesday after 15 O'clock) to continue with developing buttons and how to connect them the Ardiono. My main concern is making something that won't break after hundreds of punches from different users.
onsdag den 13. februar 2008
Project selection
We started talking about our first idea of the Beatbox, a punch bag with different hit zones you should hit in different combinations.
It seemed like that there was general unity about this idea. So our project idea is Beatbox v.1 (or v.0?)
Beatbox (once again)
So, as briefly mentioned during prototyping, the concept of Beatbox (The original idea) is a bunchbag with different hit-zones in different colors. Instead of just hitting the punch bag randomly a voice guide will tell the player/user in what order to hit the different zones. The user will via audio feedback get information about correct hits and maybe also some kind of encouraging/scolding depending how good the task was handled.

Well, we gonna discuss all the details with the rest of the group Monday.
lørdag den 9. februar 2008
Arduino, first hands on
tirsdag den 5. februar 2008
Final day of prototyping
Pictures of the final setup
Video of the final test
torsdag den 31. januar 2008
Second day of prototyping (Pictures)
Second day of prototyping
Because the light censor had worked surprisingly well we continued with that approach and with the hope of incorporate to different sounds depending on how far the hand would be from the censor (see illustration). We then talked about how we should make the prototype, materials and so on.
We all agreed that it should be a simple/sleek design with as little as possible of the electronics showing. We decided that coding the prototype was a one (wo)man job. David signed up for the job and worked with the code while the rest of us worked with the prototype. Fortunately we found a box matching just the way we wanted the prototype and the girls pretty soon made a functional prototype (still lacking the code though). Christoffer and I thought of the idea of changing instruments. With RFID tags we could realize that and we started decorate the tags so the tags reflected the different instrument (more or less, see picture below). We also started implementing this with our own InstrumentSelector class in java.
Sound Problems
When we started testing the prototype it’s was hard to distinguish “high” and “low” movements from each other because of two reasons. First of all when removing the hand after a “low” movement the light censor value would increase until it reached a normal state and by doing so passing the “high” value thereby triggering both the “low” sound and the “high” sound. Second of all, due the different light sources, if you held the hand slightly to one sides of the prototype the amount of light being removed would correspond to the amount of light being removed if you held the hand in the “high” position thus triggering the “high” sound. We tried solving this in different ways but nothing helped (I later realised that the best way of solving this problem was to have a proximity censor so that the sound would only be played when this censor also was triggered). We ended up skipping the idea of two different sounds and just went for one sound.
The RFID tags worked as planned, but it wasn’t as easy to change instrument on run-time as predicted. David worked for this for quite some time but time was running late and the group had courses to follow or assignments to make.
Christoffer and I had no plans so we decided to look at the code to see if there was some solution to the problem. I took a second look on sound in Java and Christoffer looked at the censor part. This ended in a complete redesign of the code. Christoffer managed to sort the events so a sound wouldn’t be played every time there was the slightest movement, but only when big changes in light occurred. I had sound working on my laptop and we seemed confident that the hours given Monday was enough to make it all play together.
tirsdag den 29. januar 2008
First day of prototyping
Different ideas
The first round of brainstorm resulted in these ideas:
Color Table
A table that changes color depending on what you put on it or how long it’s been there. This could be realized with either temperature censor (a hot cop of coffee vs. a cold glass of milk) or RFID tags and different LED lights. A variation of this could be a floor with different lighting, like in Michael Jackson – Billie Jean music video
Automatic typewriter
Another idea was an automatic typewriter that could do ASCII-Art or print something from a computer. That would mean that all keys should be connected to different motors which would mean a lot of motors so that idea was quickly dropped.
Ball game
A third idea was a sort of game where 2 players had a ball each. These two would then be connected to each other (by Bluetooth or similar) and then be pressing different places on the ball the two players could then play some sort of game.
None of the ideas seemed to be the perfect one for the group, either it was to big a project for at prototype or only a minority of the group liked the idea. It seemed that because we hadn’t any constraints it’s was actually hard to find ideas. Therefore we try to agree on some things that we all wanted the prototype to have and thereby setting some constraints for us self.
We agreed that (even though it could be fun) a toy for kids would be overkill because they have there imagination (and we only have the reality… ) and maybe wouldn’t need all kinds of electronic. It could on the other hand be great to make a game for grown ups. Another thing we all agreed on was that the prototype either should be some sort of furniture or something you would be able to take with you, thus not an installation. We all wanted something with interaction (Mia was pretty keen on getting something with motors) and light or sound. A common interest was also to control something in an alternative way. For example had Christoffer seen a harp made of water beams that you could play on.
Brainstorm (again)
We tried brainstorming again which resulted in different variations of the ball game but also an idea of taking an punch bag and making it play a sound each time you hit it (like "Auch") or maybe making a game of it so you had to hit in the right combination. This idea changed so you could use the punch bag to play music on (drums for example). The alternative way of playing drums combined with the water harp ended up in the idea of playing drums in the air with help of either proximity censors or sonar censors. We all liked the idea of playing something without actually seeing what made the music play. We named the prototype "BeatBox". The "Beat" in BeatBox is both from beating the punch bag (where the idea derived from) and a drum beat.
The proto-prototype
After that Mia, Josefin, David and I tested the idea, but because we didn't have a proximity censor we used a light censor instead. We placed this in a cup to avoid to much light from the sides. Pretty fast we got it working and it seemed it could be possible to make a working prototype with the time we had available. Only problem was that due to the amount of events the light censor produced every time you moved your hand, the computer couldn't keep of with playing the same amount of sounds. David started working on a solution to that problem, and the rest of us went home.
fredag den 25. januar 2008
Phidgets, first hand on
Today we got introduced to the phidgets. I’ve never programmed anything other than software so I was exited to work phidgets. Christoffer and I teamed up (we had been in a group last week) and soon Mia, Josefin and Pinar joined. The Phidget was surprisingly easy to get started with and we played with the motors and some form of proximity censor. The group seemed to work pretty good together booth playing and exploring the opportunities available. We tried to make a small car out of two motors and some disposable cardboard cups. Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures of this, but it worked fairly good. Well it's gonna be exciting to work with the next couple of weeks